Do you have stiffness and/or pain?
Are you recovering from an injury or illness?
Do you suffer with chronic pain?
You don't have to live with it! Pain and restricted mobility can be debilitating and frustrating. Chronic and acute pain are often caused by restrictions in muscle and fascia. These restrictions begin at the injured or stressed part of your body and pull your body out of alignment. The distortion of your body's natural shape causes soft tissue, including muscles, fascia, nerves and veins to become constricted, creating pain.
As a Certified Massage Therapist, Sharon's approach to the healing process is to first understand your condition. She will discuss with you your symptoms, diagnosis and current pain points. Second, Sharon will use the therapeutic touch of myofascial massage therapy to find and release your muscle and fascial restrictions. Typically you will feel relief at the area she is manipulating as well as feeling that relief spread as further restrictions are released. Finally, Sharon will share with you what she learned about your body and teach you ways that you can continue your healing. Myofascial release massage therapy included with your current care regime will result in profound and lasting changes.
In addition to providing Myofascial Release Therapy, Sharon will also teach you ways to stretch and self treat, further empowering your natural healing ability.
Some of the diagnosis that Myofascial Release Massage Therapy can help
- Fibromyalgia
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Frozen Shoulder
- Carpal Tunnel
- Whiplash
- Scoliosis
- Sciatica
- Stress
- Migraines
- Tendonitis
- Tennis Elbow
- Rotator Cuff Disfunction
- Repetitive Stress Injuries
- Rehabilitation from surgery
- TMJ (Temporal Mandibular Joint Pain)
- Poor Posture